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The 2021 Gulf of Maine HAB Science Symposium will be held March 16 and 17, sponsored and hosted by the Woods Hole Center for Oceans and Human Health (WHCOHH). This meeting brings together individuals with interests in HAB management and research in New England states and Canadian maritime provinces, including representatives from federal, state and local management agencies, industry groups, and academia.   This meeting is supported by the Community Engagement Core of the WHCOHH through grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF OCE-1841811) and the National Institute of Environmental Health (NIEHS  P01ES028949), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration MERHAB program (NA19NOS478018).

In order to receive the Zoom invite for this meeting, please be sure you have registered here!  The draft agenda is below, and will be updated periodically ahead of the meeting.  Please contact Mindy Richlen if you have suggestions or changes.

March 16, 2021

12:00 pm to 12:15 pmIntroduction

Meeting agenda, objectives
Mindy Richlen/Don Anderson/Mike Brosnahan, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)
12:15 pm to 1:45 pmRegional Perspective: 2020 retrospective and 2021 monitoring plans (15 min ea)

Spatial and temporal patterns of HABs and toxicity in MA
Christian Petitpas/Terry O’Neil /Melissa Campbell, Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF)

MWRA survey results
Scott Libby/Ken Keay, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA)

Spatial and temporal patterns of HABs and toxicity in RI
David Borkman, Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RI DEM)

Spatial and temporal patterns of HABs and toxicity in ME
Kohl Kanwit/Bryant Lewis, Maine Department of Marine Resources (ME DMR)

Spatial and temporal patterns of HABs and toxicity in NH
Chris Nash/Tiffany Chin, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NH DES)

Biotoxins and Shellstock Monitoring Components of the Canadian Shellfish Sanitation Program (CSSP)
Kimberly Justason/Angela Smith, Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
1:45 pm to 2:00 pmDiscussion/Synthesis
2:00 pm to 2:15 pmNOAA Program Update
Marc Suddleson/Maggie Broadwater/Felix Martinez, NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS)
2:15 pm to 2:45 pmHABON/COHH program/project updates (10 min ea)

Northeast HAB Website Update
Mindy Richlen, WHOI

Harmful Algal Bloom Observing Network – New England (HABON-NE) updates and roadmap
Mike Brosnahan, WHOI/ Greg Doucette, NOAA

HABhub Data Portal Update
Mindy Richlen/Ethan Andrews/Mike Brosnahan, WHOI

2:45 pm to 3:00 pmBreak
3:00 pm to 3:40 pmForecasting (10 min ea)

2020 cyst observations, empirical forecast for 2021
Don Anderson, WHOI

2021 bloom forecast
Yizhen Li/Steve Kibler, NOAA NCCOS

2019-2020 bloom & model sensitivity analysis
Yizhen Li/Steve Kibler, NOAA NCCOS

Spring flood potential & implementation of real-time forecast inundation services
David Vallee, NOAA National Weather Service, Northeast River Forecast Center
3:40 pm to 5:00 pmRegional Research and Other Updates (12 min ea)

Pseudo-nitzschia in the GOM
Kate Hubbard/Christina Chadwick, Florida Fish & Wildlife Commission, Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FWC FWRI)

Investigating Pseudo-nitzschia australis introduction to the Gulf of Maine
Suzi Clark, WHOI

EPSCOR project, TBD
Peter Countway, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences

Forecasting in the GOM (MERHAB project)
Steve Archer and Nick Record, Bigelow

Canadian East Coast HAB time series review
Cynthia McKenzie, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
5:00 pmWrap-up and adjourn

March 17, 2021

12:00 pm to 1:30 pmRegional HABs and Aquaculture Session (15 + 3 min ea)

PhytO-ARM: Phytoplankton Observing-Automated Remote Management, a ROS-based sensor integration system and its applications in aquaculture
Mike Brosnahan, WHOI

Larval oysters and harmful algae – assessing potential shellfish hatchery impacts
Sarah Pease & Juliette Smith, Virginia Institute of Marine Science

Toxic impacts of oxidized algal byproducts on oyster larval development at a Maine oyster hatchery
Meredith White, Mook Sea Farm

Mitigation of harmful algal blooms caused by Alexandrium catenella and saxitoxin accumulation in bivalves using cultivable seaweeds
Peter Sylvers & Chris Gobler, Stony Brook University
1:30 pm to 2:15 pmHABs and Aquaculture Discussion Session – Opportunities for Improved Aquaculture through Regional Observing

Panel discussion: Kohl Kanwit/Bryant Lewis (ME DMR), Scott Lindell (WHOI), Josh Reitsma (Woods Hole Sea Grant), Bob Rheault (East Coast Shellfish Growers Association), Dan Ward (Ward Aquafarms), Meredith White (Mook Sea Farm)
2:15 pm to 2:30 pmBreak
2:30 pm to 4:00 pmComparative HAB Dynamics across Geography/Systems (15 min ea)

Alexandrium dynamics in the Gulf of Maine versus Arctic
Don Anderson, WHOI

Tropic transfer of amnesic and paralytic shellfish toxins in Alaskan vs lower west coast food webs
Kathi Lefebvre, NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center

Alexandrium germling flux in the Nauset Estuary and Gulf of Maine
Alexis Fischer, WHOI

Pseudo-nitzschia in the Alaskan Arctic vs. the GOM
Kate Hubbard, FWRI

Updating the Maine HAB Index time series
Don Anderson & Judy Kleindinst, WHOI

4:00 pm to 5:00 pmSymposium Discussion

• GOM HAB Symposium survey summary: priorities, strengths, issues
• Future meeting format (open vs. invited; hybrid vs. virtual; poster sessions/speed talks; timing; duration)
• New topics, speakers, geographical focus
5:00 pmAdjourn